Wikiaction is an experimental platform for collective engagement. Instead of asking you to act immediately, we allow you to condition your commitment on the success of a collective project. Commitments are activated when enough people are mobilized.


Our platform facilitates the successful execution of complex collective projects, including:
- Organizing volunteer activities
- Coordinating new consumption habits
- Managing stakeholders within a value chain

Wikiaction is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. We guarantee member anonymity and do not participate in any form of data commerce. The platform is also designed to welcome community participation through a debate forum (under construction) that considers the most-voted arguments.


Our platform enables the creation of collective projects and the coordination of multiple stakeholders. The actions of each stakeholder can be configured by the project creator and triggered according to a predefined and adjustable threshold. Participants are not required to act before the minimum number of necessary participants for project efficiency is reached.


Wikiaction allows the creation of a wide variety of projects with multiple dimensions. For instance, stakeholders can be independent or interdependent. Their commitments can be one-time, recurring (over a limited period), or permanent (e.g., adopting a new consumption habit). It also allows participants to act before reaching the threshold—all at the discretion of the creator.


Collective projects rarely unfold as initially imagined. Changes in context, and especially the shared knowledge of stakeholders, tend to evolve the project. To accommodate this, we allow creators to modify project parameters at any time.